Community service
Besides teaching, volunteering in community services is also my passion. I find that the valuable experiences as a volunteer have enriched my own lecture with real-life examples that not only materialize the theories I'm teaching in the class, but giving values through the reality of life outside the classroom. For example when teaching a topic on condensed milk, besides telling my students that it is difficult to buy the product made originally from milk today, I also told them about the reality of poor people out there who feed their infants with condensed creamer (which is made from vegetable fat) due to malnutrition of the mother to lactate and that the creamer can be diluted for several feedings. Knowing this should make us all thankful and strive harder to provide for the people in need.
I am sharing the following programs for my own reflection on whether I have done enough for my society.
1. IMPAK (Ibu Bapa Memastikan Peningkatan Akademik Anak)
This program was organized by IKRAM Kuala Terengganu in collaboration with Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM) and Tamil Foundation, aimed to guide parents in helping their children improving their academic achievement at school. The event was held at SK Gong Tok Nasek for 10 series, involving around 20 committed parents. I was part of the organizing committee and one of the certified trainers.
2. Charity iftaar with orphans
This yearly event was held during Ramadan, when my friends and I planned a charity visit to Baitul Sakinah, an orphanage located at Bukit Besar, Kuala Terengganu. We would collect donation before the visit and find a sponsor for an iftaar with the lovely kids there. The donation woul be distributed as 'duit Raya' for the kids and their carers.
3. Charity iftar with muallaf
Majlis Iftar Perdana Hidayah Centre Foundation (MIPH) 2022 was organised by the East region of Hidayah Centre Foundation on 23rd April 2022, in the blessed month of Ramadan 1443H. I was appointed as the registration committee, and I eventually became the emcee of the event too. The event was held to celebrate and foster relationship with the muallaf (new muslims) around Kuala Terengganu, by breaking fast together, performing prayers and delivering donations for them in celebrating Eidulfitri which was around the corner. This humbling experience taught me to appreciate the struggles and strives by the new muslims in upholding their faith, while being grateful of what I already have. Thank you Hidayah Centre Foundation and Darul Fitrah for involving me as part of the committee!
4. PPE for Frontliners
I joined this initiative as a volunteer whose task was to prepare home-made face shields and deliver them to the frontliners of Covid-19 at clinics and hospital around Kuala Terengganu. It was an honour to be able to contribute and ease the burden of the frontliners, although it was nothing compared to their sacrifice for us!
5. Aid for needy
This initiative was held under IKRAM Kuala Terengganu and iBantu Terengganu, with the objective to provide immediate aid for those affected by the current pandemic situation. I was in charged for the promotion of the campaign in two different ways; first to collect donation from the public, and second for the needy individuals to apply for the aid offered online via a Google form. It was indeed a noble mission to lend our hands to those in need.
6. Committee member of NGOs
I am currently appointed as the Head of IKRAM Muda Terengganu form 2020 to 2022, an NGO to advocate and look into issues related to youth in Terengganu. A lot of initiatives have been introduced through physical and virtual interaction with different parties including youths themselves. Besides that, I am also a committee member of Rakan Hidayah Kuala Terengganu, a branch of the NGO Hidayah Centre Foundation (HCF), which activism is focused on da'wah dan charity to non-muslims through intellectual discussion and good manners.