Kaedah pengajaran/penyeliaan dan penilaian
Perincikan dan jelaskan strategi perancangan dan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan terhadap perkara berikut:
- Pengajaran / penyeliaan
- Penilaian
Sertakan bahan bukti / maklumat yang berkaitan dengan pernyataan strategi di atas, contoh:
- Senarai kursus
- Rangka kursus dan bilangan pelajar
- Bilangan pelajar diselia mengikut peringkat Sijil / Diploma / Sarjana Muda / Sarjana / PhD
There are two courses that I teach throughout the years at the Faculty of Medicine
1. BMM 40306 (Family Medicine), Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) programme
2. BMS 10604 (Psychology & Sociology for health professional), Bachelor of Medical & Health Sciences (BMHS) programmeFAMILY MEDICINE COURSE
The Family Medicine course is a 6-hour credit course, run in 6 weeks. The T&L activities include lectures, seminar, scenario based discussion, clinical teaching, practical and project. The course is very much supported with KeLIP platform where all the materials are uploaded in the platform. In addition, three Padlet platforms are created, two for students & one for lecturers as a back-up resources in case the KeLIP platform is not functioning. All resources are kept in all platforms.
KeLIP platform was initially created by me when I started the platform back in 2015/2016. At the time the platform was not fully utilised. Over the years, the platform has been upgraded and improved with the help of other members of the unit.
Many resources are uploaded to the platform for easy and continuous access by students.
TEACHING METHOD: Experiential learning
Experiential learning through authentic work-based experience will expose students to the real working environment. T&L activities are done mainly in health care facilities where real patients are used. Students are observed how they consult and manage a patient based on the patient's real problem
In some cases, especially at the initial part of the training, a simulated patient is used either in the skills lab or in real healthcare facilities. during this session, the student can practice their skills and formative feedback can be given to student on his/her performance. Practice is done until he/she is confident to do it independently.
In some cases, to achieve the course learning outcome, a project in health facilities is designed for students to learn specific topics. in this project, not only do the students learn about factual knowledge, but they can straight away practise on real patients. This project also aimed to improve their affective skills.
Authentic assessment is used in our course. Students are assessed on their cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills using real patients in a real work setting. this method can ensure that students are able to grasp all the skills needed later when they are working.
All activities are presented in a proper guidebook so that students are clear on the topics, objectives and outcomes that they are expected to learn. These materials were developed to ensure students get the same instructions, materials and content.
BMS 10604 (Psychology & Sociology for health professional), Bachelor of Medical & Health Sciences (BMHS) programme
Course resources
The resource materials for this course are kept in Padlet where it is easily accessible for students.
Assignment instruction to students is given in a clear & standard instruction together with the assessment rubric to guide students with the assignment.