Penambahbaikan PdP dan Pembangunan Professional
Penambahbaikan kaedah pengajaran / penyeliaan dan penilaian melalui amalan reflektif yang merangkumi:
- Dokumentasi refleksi
- Analisis / sintesis untuk penambahbaikan
- Tindakan dan perkongsian
Pembangunan profesional dalam pengajaran / penyeliaan dan penilaian.
In my course, students are taught both theory and practice where the practical approach is using the real workplace environment. In training medical students, real patient in the real workplace is used. This authentic learning will help the student to apply their knowledge in a real situation, training them in the relevant soft skills, critical thinking and problem solving.
In a situation where a real patient is not feasible, a simulated patient is used to act like a real patient. This method is a next-best option for training medical students in clinical skills.
Practice with real patient
Practice with simulated patient
The use of flipped classroom and game-based learning in teaching have been widely adopted among teachers from primary to tertiary education especially as online learning had become the dominant mode of learning currently. A flipped classroom is defined as “a new pedagogical method, which employs asynchronous video lectures and practice problems as homework, and active, group-based problem-solving activities in the classroom”. It is a teaching method in which students learn about a topic at home, usually online, and later have discussions in class. It is a student-centred learning where the students can independently learn about the topic based on the materials given before a proper class with a teacher. The
My students give positive feedback on the use of Kahoot! during the teaching as demonstrated in the written feedback for the conduct of the class. The prizes for the winners have attracted their interest in Kahoot! use.
Another flipped classroom was also done for a prescribing class. Students were provided with two Powtoon videos that they need to watch. Prior to the videos, students need to answer a few questions regarding the topic, after watching the video, students were asked to again answer the questions. A significant improvement in marks was seen after watching the videos. this topic was done fully online as a PTG.