Falsafah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
My teaching scope lies largely on food microbiological safety. It is my beliefs that young generation play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the world. Each and every one of them are unique and it is my task to help them to develop their potential to the fullest. It is important to equip them not only with knowledge but also good self-discipline and ethic to create a better future for all mankind.
My students come from different background with different academic capabilities. I believe group assignment can develop several skills in students such as communication, inter-personal, life-long learning, leadership and ethics. Group presentation will show the cooperation between the members and leadership of the group leader. The relationship with the students does not end after their graduation. I enjoy receiving messages from ex-students inquiring and sharing information related to the topics that I taught in class. Knowledge never stops and it is important for the students to adopt life-long learning skill they have learnt in class.
Teaching and learning process continues to evolve from going beyond the four walls to reaching global with the help of internet connectivity. It is important for students to find reliable and accurate information for their group assignment or solving certain tasks. This skill is beneficial for the students in their future undertakings to find solutions whenever they encounter problems or tasks to solve.