My worldview on the Education

Education is a basic human right and a powerful tool to improve a social mobility of a person. Education also is an essential tool to help us functioning well in a society vocationally and intellectually. Plato saw education as a fulfillment of the soul, and by fulfilling the soul the body subsequently benefited. Plato viewed physical education for all as a necessity to a stable society.

Education process has many aspects such as curriculum development, teaching and learning and assessment among others. Pedagogy is one of the important aspects of education, a study of how knowledge and skills are imparted in educational context i.e. the teaching and learning process. Having learnt some of the learning theories, my philosophy on the Teaching and Learning is the synthesis of several theories i.e. Constructivism, Vygotsky's Sociocultural Learning, Adult Learning  and Experiental Learning.  In this context, the student is as an agent and the teacher as a facilitator in teaching and learning process.

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